
Why Visit a Service Center: Dubai’s Top 5 Car Problems

Why Visit a Service Center: Dubai’s Top 5 Car Problems

Automobile manufacturers invest billions of US dollars in research and development. While most models are complex pieces of engineering, that doesn’t make them perfect. Plus, Dubai’s climate is rougher than most. The combination of sand, heat and humidity can really take its toll.

Here are five of the most common problems cars have and why you should visit a car service center in Dubai:

1. Gearbox Failure

This is one of the most common problems with cars. New or old, the gearbox causes the most problems. It doesn’t matter how many miles the car has – some owners report transmission failure even when still under warranty.

It is important to visit a service center to have this checked out. Mechanics understand the common problems. Their experience has taught them what to look for. Common symptoms include:

  • Transmission slips between gears
  • Not shifting or shifting hard
  • “Check engine” light comes on

In case your car ever refuses to shift and can’t be driven, you might end up stranded in the middle of nowhere. In such a situation, you can always rely on us for a speedy recovery and transportation service.


2. Vibration when Braking

You might think this is not a big problem. However, more and more car owners are reporting a vibration when braking. That is caused by the front rotors. It seems they wear off too fast and become uneven.

The problem can occur at lower speeds as well, but it is more common at higher speeds. It can cause loss of control and brake failure. Symptoms of vibration can be felt in the steering wheel.

Our mechanics advise addressing the issue as soon as it emerges. The rotors can be resurfaced to avoid changing them.

3. Electrical Issues

Cars get loaded with electrical equipment. More and more wiring is needed so that electricity can fuel different components and sensors. When problems occur, you need to address them face on.

Electrical issues can cause far worse problems. They endanger your safety. In some cars, an electric problem can cause the braking or steering system to fail. In others, the car will just refuse to start.

If the main issue is the battery, the solution is easy. But when the problem is somewhere between the kilometers of wiring, expert mechanics strongly advise against diagnosing the problem yourself.

In some rare cases, even they have problems finding the electrical issue’s source.

Granted, Dubai’s hot weather degrades these components faster than usual. So keep an eye out for this and choose regular maintenance inspections.


4. Ask a Service Center Mechanic to Check the A/C System

Another common issue happens with the A/C system. It’s easy to understand why this is so important for Dubai. Problems usually occur because of the sand and humidity in the air. These conditions are rougher than most.

There are a few simple things you can do to keep your A/C running smooth for longer. The most important one is called maintenance.

Make sure you visit a specialized service center in Dubai to do this. Ask them to check the cooling agent, belts and cabin air filter.

5. Turbocharger Issues

That is one of the priciest car problems you can encounter. A turbocharger works by increasing the air pressure in an engine. Problems can appear in the following situations:

  • Carbon deposits – Your car’s turbo needs a constant flow of clean oil. Not changing the oil and oil filters regularly leads to carbon deposits that will damage the component.
  • Leaks, cracks or weak seals – If there are any leaks or cracks between the engine and the compressor, the boost will be diminished. The turbo will need to work harder to provide the right air pressure.

Symptoms include:

  • Loss of power
  • Check engine light comes on
  • The boost gauge (fitted only on some turbocharged cars) isn’t going up as much as it used to
  • Smoking exhaust
  • A loud whining noise

Always take into account Dubai’s climate. As mentioned before, the hot weather and dust wear off your car’s components faster than usual.

We have almost 40 years of experience helping car owners solve their problems. Our advice is to perform regular preventive maintenance and timely repairs on their vehicles.

If you experience some of the problems described above, you can call us right away or contact us online.

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